Friday, May 28, 2010


吵架,我想大多数的情侣都会碰到过,彼此越是喜欢,而越容 易吵架
明明知道是很小的一点事,却到最后是那么的生气,互相挂掉电 话,接下来就是冷战
其实这个道理他一直都懂,他知道这是在乎的表现,所以他对她 的爱从来就没有动摇过


相爱的情人任何的吵闹,嫉妒,猜忌,孩子气,都是合理正常 的。
因为他(她)重视你,重视你们之间的一切才会情感敏感而强 .


为什么要珍惜男(女)朋友?因为对方很爱你,会甘心情愿为你 做很多事,

总之吵架的根本原因就是真爱和在乎的混合体!!这可是一份最 真最真的幸福噢~

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The day after the bad day



我提了一大袋16份超重的礼物去派对场地。非常重,走不久必须停下,很难撑。手又红又痛。但也要谢谢我的室友帮我提了一袋。TQ mages~ thank you for carrying the souvenirs this morning :)




最后一分钟的更改,礼物颁发到一半,我不能下台去拿名单给主持人。她却骂我怎么不预先准备好?是你自己最后一分钟的更改,怎样预先准备?按照原先的次序我都做齐了,是你自己为难他人。更何况所有礼物已经被她们弄乱了,不按照次序,就算我拿出名单也是一团乱。主持人按照每份礼物上的卡片名字, 邀请讲师上台领礼物,不是更好吗?你想要骂什么?你是否鸡蛋里挑骨头?还是针对我?


我负责把盘里的礼物呈上,让我的班级代表送给讲师。所以那两个女人及我的拍档负责整理礼物的次序给我呈上。问题是,她们把缺席的讲师礼物给我,还好我发现得早, 还未呈上去。而且她们做事太慢,每次我回到桌上需要新的礼物她们都没预备好。我在怀疑她们在干嘛?她们不仅做事太慢,而且做错。班级代表以及主持人在催促,我当然也催促她们。况且这么多讲师以及同学在现场,台上的一举一动都非常明显。


而且她还说做卡那个人的错,有讲师没拿到礼物。没用脑袋的那位,请借用别人的脑子想想再说话。你负责包装礼物, 少一分就不是你的错?更何况我所有的卡已经检查好几遍,每一分礼物都贴上卡片,再次数算才放进袋子。礼物摆在桌上我也再数,完全没有少。你说什么鬼话?请不要无中生有。


开心的是,别的同学都很好。我们哈哈大笑, 一起拍照。我的男班长还教我怎样应对这种人,只当她们透明的,觉得是对就去做。不用管那些无谓的人。说得很对。

所以,我的今天还算不错 :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

i had a bad day

"i had a bad day..." it is a cuttie song from Chipmunks. i like this cutties a lot. they are so joyful and cute, even a bad day sang by them isnt that bad. i like it :)





她责备我怎么连班上的照片都没?不是我没,而是另一个她答应要给我。自从昨天早上,我把我的8gb pendrive 交给她要照片,她把它遗留在班上。好。。。 下午我再问,她说等下上网寄给我,好,我在网上等你。可是到了晚上仍然没有,我再次问她,她说等一下。。 好。。 我等。。 我也要睡觉了, 等不到了。

今天早上,我被她的同党责骂后,她才给我班上的徽章。。。 我还以为你要给我的是我们全班的漂亮照片?好。。 我收下, 我开工了~


她说用她的图案,我当然不能拒绝。然后请问她用什么软件设计,她说既然我没有这种软件,她替我设计。好。。。 都让你。我在等她设计,然后才能继续剪贴。我在观察她,她在非死不可,你的tube, 电子邮件以及聊天。我简直傻眼了,你知道我在等你吗?我想要唱这首曲子了。

没多久,她叫我过去,要我自己弄,她把软件给我。我都好的。。 遵命。。。 但她犹豫片刻,眼睛不敢看着我地说“不用紧了,你要怎样设计你喜欢。我不管了。” 我 目瞪口呆片刻,起初你否定我的作品,现在说不管了?好。。。 我都只能说好的。。。 奴婢只能如此。

原先早上10时可完成的工作拖延到下午1时。班上剩下我一人劳苦。三位同学有事回班,都投下同情的眼光。 原来我们同病相怜,他们也见识过她们的高潮技术。我们只能闭口不言。

晚上我继续完成我的卡片。她们俩提了两大包36分的礼物进来我房间,一声也不说的离开我的房间。当我想问,拿来我房间是要?她只耸耸肩,以她肢体语言表达 她并不知道。


我敲敲她的房门询问她是否如此行,免得 弄巧反拙。她的反因非常好。她完全没有回答我的问题,她指着她的脑袋,问回我,你可否用你的逻辑去思考?好。我喜欢你的答复。

我再次敲她的门,因为她们拿了我的刀片没还,我不能继续我的工作。她很久才来应门,她警告我说:敲门时必须要先打招呼,比如说声“哈咯”。我愣了,这是哪一国的 礼仪?原来我从乡下的吉隆坡来。因为我一直学习的都是先敲门,静静地在门外等人开门回应。我向她道歉,好的,我学会了。

一位较好的朋友都愿意聆听我的苦恼。但今天。。。 我都告诉了这位朋友,却似乎得不到较好的反应。再次受伤。原来我的心是易碎的。。。




Friday, May 21, 2010

Weekend in baby's house.

Exam is over. First time spending my weekend at a saint's house - Bro. Kooi Lin & Sis. Hui Ying's house. Thanks for accommodating me :)

It is a family with a baby boy, caleb. He is 1yr 6 months old. An extra active and cuttie boy, like to play with him so much. We played hide and seek, rolling ball and ride bicycle. hehe...

He also likes to kacau me. hehe.. While im online in the room, he climbed up the staircase and entered my room.

Lets play webcam :p

he is so happy to see himself on cam :)

you are recorded. he was shocked XD

another morning, he still climbed up the staircase to kacau me. hehe.. we were hot due to the weather, hair tied up and he is wearing sexy sleeveless :p

lets play some effects :p

caleb was asking, what is this? presents for you :p

these are all from up of heaven. finger point up. hehe :p

As shown clearly, it was a happy weekend at home :)

I have a room to stay in, home-cooked food, tv to watch and everything just the same at home. Together with a little baby, my favourite, im rejoice ^^

Staying together with the saints is totally with the presence of God. Morning revival to pursue the Lord and attend the Lord's table meeting in the evening.

Thank You Lord for these :)

The grace of God be with you all :)

Adieu Exam~

Good News~~~ I'm now proudly pronounce that ----- my final exam is over~~~~ Hooray~~~

I feel like jumping around now. I am so happy now. wahahahahahahaha....

Even though i still don't know the result, whether i pass or fail, but the burden of the exam has released :)

Really hope i can pass to United Kingdom. Don't disappoint my parents :)

Hope my father can recover fast too. He still need to use the walking stick to walk now....

Cant wait for everything finish. Everything include BTN, Lambaian Kasih and all those important documents from the government.

Cant wait for the day parents coming here to fetch me back, together with dhh...

Hope everything will be run smoothly.

All the best for us. Smile ^^

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

3 more days to final exam.

Yeap... I want to pronounce that i have THREE more days to exam. I can tell you honestly that i have not do the fullest preparation for it.

On the negative side, I feel stress, nervous and fear of exam. A positive stress push me to study harder and smarter to pass the exam. However, nervous and fear are the negative feelings for me towards exam. I need to try my very best and pray to the dearest Lord to eradicate all the negative feelings towards exam. God listens to our prayer and dwell in our spirit, listen to Him and I am sure the negatives will gone.

On the positive side, i feel glad and happy that the final exam is finally come. Two years of challenging foundation and the adaptation to a foreign land is coming to an end. Just a pass on the four core subjects, i can go to the dreamed land of United Kingdom for my three years degree. Isn't it i shall rejoice?

Parents are getting older. My father is going to retire soon. A scholarship fully supported by the government together with a guaranteed and stable job as a government teacher, is a secured future for me and my family.

Three more day effort and preparation to decide my coming three years.

The word 'impossible' is found in the dictionary of fools. (Napoleon)
I am not a fool and I am sure it is not merely possible but it will be done. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010



。他不能无时无刻都在你的身边,你们或许一个月、三个月, 甚至半年才能见一次面。每一次见面,或许只有区区的三、四 天,甚至更少。

。当你生病的时候,不要期望他会端你温水,让你服药,因为 他或许在另外一头忙得不可开交。

。当他生病的时候,随时聆听他对你的埋怨、娇嗲,他或 会埋怨说,你不能及时在他的生病出现,虽然在你生病的时候他 也一样没见踪迹。

。当你一连发他几封短讯,他没有回复你,你开始担心他 安危,不知道他究竟在做些什么。多心的你,或许会想到 遭逢不测。越是紧张,你越怀疑自己是否能够承受得了这段感情。

。当你的身边一直出现成天粘在一块的情侣的时候,你心里面 有些妒嫉、羡慕,为什么他和你的距离竟相差那么远。

。当你某些重要的日子,如生日、情人节,而他又不在你 身边的时候,你要懂得自己找节目。这个时候,你会发觉身边的 朋友,似乎比他来得更为重要。

。当你厌倦了远距离恋爱,你的脑子会有一刻闪出要和他 手的理由,这个时候,你要让自己的情绪平稳下来,告诉自己, 这并不是什么,你可以承受得住。

。当你发觉自己已经没有信心谈这段恋爱的时候,不要把 种感觉抑郁在心里面,坦诚地向他说明,让他知道你的多心。 他爱你,自然会想尽办法消除你心里面的郁结。摆在心里面,只 会让你变得越来越缺乏信心,而且还会自怨自艾。

。他或许不能三时五刻随时和你联络,你有很多事情,他 能成为最后一个知道的人。相同的,他不想让远方的你担忧, 很多事都等解决了以后才告诉你结果。不要生气他为什 不告诉你,他不想让你担忧。这是他爱的表现,你要习惯、接 受、包容。

。很多时候,听别人说:距离不是问题。这个是每 人都了解的道理,可是实践的是自己。你必须要有很大的心、信心。距离是不是你们两个人真正的问题?就算你们 距离被缩小,问题依然存在吗?不要怪罪距离,适当的沟 能够化解这个障碍。静下来思考,你们的爱,是否能够经得起这 个考验?

当你发现自己在生理上、心理上已经准备好这一切,请接受他, 并承诺,最后不要以遥远的距离 为你们分手的烂理由。若,他真的是值得你所爱的人.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Overnight in the meeting hall

It has been a long time i didnt overnight in the meeting hall. The serving sisters did not come to KB or i was occupied with activities in the weekend.

It was a comfortable meeting hall with air-conditioned bedroom for us to stay. I enjoyed the stay not merely because of the comfortable condition but also the indwelling spirit within the saints. It is in a harmonious to be with the brothers and sisters. The presence of God is felt. There is no argument, no misunderstanding but the coordination together with The spirit.

I really enjoyed the church life in Kota Bharu. Just a glimpse, i have been here almost two years. It is coming to an end. I still have two times of stay in the meeting hall. It will be memorable.

the USM sisters and I in the meeting hall.

May the spirit of God be with our spirit.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010



忠心,目的性比較強牧羊犬對主人百分百忠心,為了完成工作不惜付出一切,這類型的人非常遵守規章制度,對於朋友拜託的事都會如期完成,人緣很不錯,有教養 又懂禮貌的你不喜歡出風頭,只要做好職責範圍之內的事就盡情沉醉在自我的興趣中咯,閒暇時候的你那副悠閒自得的模樣,很是令人羡慕。


因為個性隨和的緣故,所以你跟任何人都能和平相處,對人缺乏防備可以說是你的最大缺點,也是你煩惱的根源,心太誠太善的話,很容易被人利用,你必須提高警 惕,才不至於讓吃虧上當。






牧羊犬是我最爱的狗狗。曾经饲养一只德式牧羊犬,她走起路来搔摇自在,非常优美。也非常乖巧听话,带她出去散步是毫不费力的,她都紧紧跟随。轻轻地叫她的名字,她都立刻出现在我面前。斯文有礼地进食。 我真的很想念她。。。

她被毒害去世的那天,我哭了。。。 我亲爱的牧羊犬。。。我好想你。。。


我是很忠心,也未曾想过要背叛。朋友拜托的事都没问题,所以他们觉得我很好人。 但偶尔却带给自己不便,亲密的也朋友都察觉,但我也不抱怨,能帮什么就帮吧!也不用特地感谢, 互相扶持是应该的嘛!一当假日朋友就忙着邀我出去,不错嘛!可是太频密了还觉得蛮累得。


事业嘛!当然准咯。我是很好耐心,各种不同的学生都碰过。各有其类, 理解能力较慢的学生都需要更多时间与耐心。向这种学生发脾气也毫无作用,这只会伤了他渺小的心灵,让他留下恐惧感,消杀他的自信心。也不再对书本感到兴趣了。教师也是灵魂工程师,的确没错。


Speak it out

Today we watched a video on "The First Time Debate on 14th April 2010" in the United Kingdom.

There were three debaters: Leader of the opposition conservative party David Cameron, Labour leader and Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Leader of the opposition Liberal democrats Nick Clegg.

Tell you honestly, i am not interested about politics. Not even think of write out what they debated about.

Although we are going to United Kingdom for study, i have no attention at all to know about their politics. Even though i am in Malaysia now, i do not care much about politics too. Politics for me is just.... i reserved my stand...

However, i need to study on it T.T

One of the social study topics is governance... I need to know all types of governance and their structure of organisation...

It was killing me... Help~

Tuesday, May 4, 2010




因为。。。 大考大难临头!

辛苦了两年,生活在异乡, 到底能不能出国就看此考试。





一封简单的短讯,gambateh~ 考完试请你吃好料。
还有很重要的dhh. 无论是电话,简讯,网络聊天甚至面对面,都提醒我要好好读书。后面还有奖励等着我呢!





Sunday, May 2, 2010

Visitation of UK Lecturer

Today is the replacement holiday for Labour day. However, Marjon 2 students are exempted. We need to attend class today.

Initially 9am to be in the class. A door knocking from a classmate at 7.20am, we are required to be in class at 7.45am. Yawning...

I cant see the point to be earlier to class. To clean the room? To chat and walk around?

The United Kingdom ICT lecturer from UCP Marjon only entered our class accompanied by our tutor and lecturer at 9am.

We welcomed him with a presentation slides as an introduction.

He presented the slides on design & technology. A native speaker of the English language indeed speaks the language with his accent. Thanks God, i understand perfectly :p

After that we showed our appreciation to Mr. Stuard Gold by Hindi dance performance and Joget Kelantan.

The session is ending ^^

We had photo session with Mr. Stuard Gold but the photos still yet to be uploaded. stay tune~

Study for exam please..
14days to go....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

2 more weeks to final exam

Yup. 2 more weeks = 14 days = 335 hours to final examination.

I started to tremble...

14 days to revise on the 4 core subjects.

1. Language Description (grammar)
- easy? never! explanation is required. tired of it!

2. Language Development (writing)
- comprehension : i am weak at understanding.
- summary: i am long winded as seen from my blogging, how to summarise?
- guided and free writing: poor at writing...
three hours of writing on this paper. tired of writing.
from now onwards, practice writing for 3hrs every day XD

3. English Studies (literature)
- unseen poem ( i am modern girl, hard to understand ancient English >.<)
- 8 short stories, 2 novels, Merchant of Venice ( so much to write, so much to study...) do i have the sufficient time for it?

4. Social Studies (general knowledge)
- this is killing me! every thing will come out... scope is wide. i left 14days to cover up 730days subject studies.
can i cope with it? quite... Impossible...

Final exam to decide whether i am eligible to further my degree in the United Kingdom.

2 years foundation courses is all assessed in this one goal final examination.

60% based on coursework
40% based on final examination.

Am i eligible? God knows...