Saturday, April 2, 2011

Work or Not Work?

Tonight was the most tiring night I had. Probably because of the work. Actually I didn't promise to work, today just a training for the work.

Initially I did not need to go for the training because of my health condition (just discharged from the hospital), but because of someone ffk.. I had to go just to accompany Eunice. Some more, I don't have a great intention to take up this job... because of... (you will know afterwards :p)

It is a take-away job which I mainly need to receive calls and take order. Also receive the payment in cash or card and give the change. Hmm... This was the first job experience I had in the UK. It didn't give me a very good impression because of the working environment and the attitude of the employees...

I'm really tired now and brain stuck on what to write >.<

I told my dad about this job.. and he gave me a few reasons why not to work.
1. Night time job (5pm - 11.30pm)
2. I'm not desperate need of money (but just to gain exposure)
3. Illegal job (National insurance number is not needed)

Out of the 3 reasons my dad stated, the most concerning me is the illegal job. I don't have much peace taking up this job. My dad even explained that I am the government sponsored student, if anything happened on this illegal job.. Can you think of the consequences?

Yes.. my dad is absolutely right.
So, I decided NOT to take this job =)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Recent Life

It has been 3 months I didn't update my blog. I feel the time are not flying away but zooming like a rocket... Why is time passing so fast that I can't keep hold on it?

It just an instant feelings for me to update my blog. Too many things happened in these 3 months... The most recent thing was my hospitalisation. It was my first time to be admitted in the UK hospital and I never expect this.. It seems I cant avoid the "curse" of admitting to the hospital annually. lol... In a more humorous way, I have my annual vacation in the hospital =)

A wise use on the Facebook have an enormous positive effect. I hardly post anything on the Facebook but I posted the status about being warded and I received lots of concern and positive feedback. I do not expect anything from them but... Indeed Facebook is drawing us nearer and have a mutual communication in every corner of the world.

I have been repeated telling those who concern about me on my skin condition. I don't mind to write it on my blog again, I can almost memorise the sentence. Now, I want to summarise it in one single sentence, "My skin is allergic to the tea tree oil and it spread to be worst till I had a blood infection to be admitted to the hospital" :p

Now, I'm slowly recovering.. Opps.. I forgot to take my antibiotic again.. Since I'm feeling better, doctor said I can stop it tomorrow. Yeah~

I realised I had been lagging behind on my studies :(
There are lots to do to catch up.
Now, I'm feeling better.. No excuse to leave my work behind.
Let's work it out NOW!!!